
For those that care, I’ve been a Realtor since 2001. I received my Principal Brokers License in 2005 so I could run a boutique brokerage and then eventually took on the role of Director of Sales for a $150 million team ten years later.

I started coaching full-time on my own in 2021 and I use the DISC behavior assessment in all of my coaching and trainings. Since I believe in that so much, I’m going to share excerpts from the ultra-comprehensive DISC Report from The Abelson Group.

I’m a 93C, 86S.

The report says the following:

  • Proficient and skilled in his techinical specialty
  • Always looks for practical solutions
  • Maintains standards
  • He is usually soft-spoken, but his demeanor may be deceptive to those that work with him.
  • He constantly strives forward to improvement in everything he does
  • Mike will spend time helping people who have committed their lives to educating themselves and others
  • Saying “no’ is difficult when others need his time or talent
  • He tends to give freely of time and resources, but will want and expect a return on his investment
  • In many cases, Mike will want to set his own rules wihich allow his own intuition to guide and direct his actions
  • His desire to learn more allows processes to become more effective
  • He will care for others while holding people accountable
  • Will keep sensitive information under lock and key
  • Strong supporter, therefore, always willing to help.
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